Minimalism vs Maximalism - Which one is better ?

Minimalism vs Maximalism - Which one is better ?


Minimalism is a term used to describe an artistic movement that began in the 1950s. The term was first coined by artist Richard Wollheim, who used it to describe the work of Donald Judd and others.

The movement began with painting, in which artists would choose simple, uncluttered forms—often lines and geometric shapes—to convey meaning. As the movement progressed, it took on a more philosophical dimension, as artists sought to express complex ideas through simple means.

The minimalist approach was then applied to other forms of art, including music, sculpture and architecture.

In interior design, minimalism is often characterised by a lack of ornamentation and unnecessary detail. Modernist architects such as Mies van der Rohe are known for their minimalist buildings.

Minimalist Aesthetics

Minimalism is about a lot more than just sleek furniture and sharp lines. It's about making the most of your space, and seeing the beauty in emptiness.

In the 1960s, Japanese designers were interested in exploring how the concept of emptiness could be applied to design. They started by removing all unnecessary detail from their designs, using only geometrical shapes and simple colors in flat patterns.

They wanted to focus on the idea of nothingness; removing every piece that wasn't necessary in an effort to see what was left. It was pretty revolutionary—at the time, people were used to ornate design that was loud and busy.

Their goal was to create something new: a movement away from what had come before, with no attention paid to tradition or past design styles.

The movement spread quickly throughout Japan, and then internationally, as people continued to experiment with the concept of minimalism in other areas of their lives—like fashion and art.

And now? Minimalism is everywhere!

Why choose Minimalist Interior Design ?

A minimal space with grey artwork and a day sofa with fur throw. A coffee table is placed in the most minimalist way with a little basket at the base.
Picture from Stylizimo Blog
  • Visual Appeal

Less is more with minimalism and your coveted possessions get a lot of attention. 

  • Easy to Maintain

This design ideology means lesser items which equals less clutter. This one is a no brainer.

  • Clarity 

The design is more precise and harmonious, creating a more focussed and zen space for the mind.

The only con of Minimalist Interior design is that you risk oversimplifying, leaving your space too bare. Hence, it is essential to get it right.

How to create a Minimalist space correctly?


1. Increase Storage to tuck away the unnecessary items.

That way only items worth emphasising can be displayed. This will help keep your space looking clean and organized while allowing you to show off the things that really matter

2. Invest in unique premium homewares of good quality to ensure an exemplary design flow. 

These can be used as accents or focal points without taking up much room because they're small enough not to overwhelm the room but big enough so they don't get lost amongst other decor items. For example, a marble table lamp would look great on an end table beside some candles and flowers.

3. Stick to just one colour palette, such as neutrals like beiges, earthy tones, greys or even monochromes. 

This will make even simple objects feel more luxurious, which is perfect if you're trying to create a minimalist space! 

4. Layer your base colour with textures like linens, velvet and Boucle'

Layering also helps draw attention away from any imperfections in your home that may otherwise stand out

Opposite of Minimalism is Maximalism

Maximalism is one of the most groundbreaking design trends of the last decade, and it's only expected to get bigger.Maximalist interior design is all about juxtaposing patterns, colors, and textures in ways that are unexpected and unconventional, but feel natural and exciting.

It's about pushing the limits on what a room can look like. It's about taking risks, embracing playfulness, and creating a space where you can't wait to spend time.Maximalism is the art of more. More color, more pattern, more texture, more life.Maximalism is looking at a space and saying "I want this to be THE BEST party anyone has ever been to."

Maximalism is throwing a wild, eclectic mix of things together and finding out that you like it. Maximalism is about being bold, unapologetic, and taking up space. It's about not waiting for permission to live your life in whatever way you want. And if that sounds like something you want in your home, look no further: we've got you covered with our new line of maximalist interior design products!

Maximalist Home

Maximalism is a design style that goes beyond the old "less is more" philosophy and embraces the idea that more is more. It's about taking things to the edge, to the absolute maximum.

Maximalist interior design can be demonstrated in a few ways:

- color: maximalism seeks out the brightest and most vibrant colors, often combining many different colors within one space—even in just one room. In some cases, maximalists even use conflictive colors (like hot pink and lime green) in an attempt to create something unique and eye-catching

- pattern: maximalists are not afraid of using patterns, especially when they're busy or clashing. They'll mix stripes with polka dots with plaids, creating a bold look that requires a brave designer

- texture: like color and pattern, maximalists love to combine different textures in their designs. This might mean pairing velvet with lace or incorporating fur into a room that already has a lot of wood and metal elements

- art: for maximalists, no wall should be left bare. There should always be something on every wall to draw your eye—and it should be over-the-top! That might mean an oversized painting or an entire wall covered in mirrors.

Why choose Maximalist Style ?

Note: Maximalists should take a leaf from Josh and Matt from Melbourne. These tiktok stars are Maximalism Gurus.

  • Let's your Personality Shine through
If you are someone who wants to show off the eclectic & dopamine side of your personality, maximalism is the answer to your prayers. 
  • Opportunity to Upcycle everything
If you love to upcycle and add some personality to your old items, maximalism is the right way for you.
  • There is room for everything. The sky is your limit.
Every colour, texture, shape and item has a place in your space.
  • Art Lovers
You could also showcase your special exhibition worthy art pieces.

Love it or hate it, maximalism is a current trend in home decor. It's not for everyone, but if you're into layering, maximalism could be your jam.
The cons, you should be willing to maintain and live for it. If not done right, you could also end up cluttering your interiors. 

How to create a Maximalist space correctly? 

1. Placement of items is crucial. One tip for creating a maximalist room is to think about how you can use what you already have in your home to create the look—the last thing you want to do is just start throwing every crazy object together without thinking about placement first. The key here is layering and strategically placing items together without making them look like a mess.

2. Think beyond neon colours and bold patterns. Consider eclectic lighting, embellishments and holographic hues for an even more adventurous look.

3. Incorporate unique works of art like up-cycled pieces or paintings from exhibitions. These pieces will add richness to your space and can also be used to tie your design together even further.

4. Finally, don't forget to consider texture! Maximalist designs often incorporate plush fabrics and furs that add warmth to the room while still keeping it modern.

Which one to choose?

First off: are you willing to let go of the idea that everything needs to match? If you can get past that hurdle and embrace the idea of clashing patterns and colors, then maybe max is for you. Next: do you like the idea of spending time hunting down unique pieces and curating them into a beautiful collection? Or do you prefer to stroll through one store and pick out an entire living room set in an hour?

Finally: are you willing to make the commitment to maintain your style? If your lifestyle allows for regular dusting and frequent rearranging, then go for it! But if your life is a bit more hectic and busy (like most of us), then maybe minimal

Did you know it is more than ever to choose sustainable homewares. This article explains why you should incorporate sustainable Max/Min design ideology in your homes

Do you need style advice ? Drop us a line with a photo of your space.

Check out some Minimalist and Maximalist design pieces from our store below.




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